Images and wishes for Good night: Good night messages and quotes

Good night quotes

Images and wishes for good night: Here we have lovely collection of images and wishes for good night. You can send these images and wishes to your friends, Family or relative to wish them a lovely good night.

Here we have so many types of good night wishes are Images and wishes for good night, Good night images, Good night quotes, Good night pictures, Good night messages, Good night images and quotes. These all are amazing collection of good night wishes. You can send any of them that you like more. You can also send these images and wishes to whatsapp or facebook also.

Also Read: Good Night Wishes & Quotes

“The stars and moon arrive just to wish you a good night. Let the light of the moon guide your dreams as you pass the night away.”

The memories of our friendship are like the radiance of the moon and the fun times we’ve had together are like the twinkle of the stars that light up my life’s skies. Good night.

The night is far too long, for you to be away. I am desperately waiting, for it to turn into day. My heart will rot away, if things keep going on like this. All I want to do, is give you a kiss. Good night.

In this lovely night, I pray to the blue moon to protect you through the night, the wind to blow away your stress and the twinkle stars to guide you the way, Sweet Dreams Good Night!

“Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s fresh opportunity to make it better.”

Do not think of me…I m in ur eyes…in ur mind…in ur heart…in ur soul…everywhere…ever if u want me..just close ur eyes and listen i m saying..” i miss u”..Good Night..

“May the blanket of night wrap you in a hundred sweet dreams, a thousand hugs and a million kisses”. Good night darling.

In life, success is not always measured by how big you can dream. Real success, is often measured by the number of friends you can share your dreams with. Good night my friend.

Also Read: Good Night Pic Images

This text is a drug which drives away NIGHTMARES and induces SWEET DREAMS. Recommended dosage is One Message every few hours. Good night.

You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. And you are the reason I can’t sleep without saying Good Night!

“You will be the last thing I think of before I fall to sleep and First thing to remember when I wake up.” Hi Moon!!!Dim Ur light…Hello Wind!!!

Breeze Soft…Hi Flower!!!Blossom Slowly.Hello Earth!!!Spin Gently….’coz My sweet friend is going to sleep….Good Night..

Worrying about your past will ruin your present and future. Dreaming about the future will improve your present and erase the past. Which one will you do? The choice is yours buddy. Good night.

Even the melancholy of a dark and lonely night transforms into a sweet harmony when I think about the memories of our friendship. Good night.

Take a deep breath, Stand near the window, Look at the sky,     There will be two stars twinkling brightly, You know what they are? They are my eyes always taking care of you… Good Night!

“The brightest stars in my life are not planetary objects; they are friends like you who shine through night and day. Good night.”

Love sweet as sugar, bitter if you dont know it better.bed the best place to think of memories which put u to sleep,telling u good nite.

Night is the reason you see the day. So cherish the dark blanket of the sky while the stars bring you dreams for tomorrow. Goodnight.